Haskel High Pressure Technology
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Unveiling the Future of Hydrogen: Key Insights from Haskel's Latest Whitepaper


At Haskel, we are excited to announce the release of our comprehensive whitepaper, "The Value of The Hydrogen Supply Chain, & Compression’s Role Within It." This resource delves into the intricacies of the hydrogen supply chain and underscores the pivotal role of compression technology in harnessing hydrogen's potential as a sustainable energy source. Here are the key points from our whitepaper:

1. Hydrogen's Role in Achieving Net Zero Emissions

Hydrogen is identified as a critical enabler for the global transition to net-zero emissions. It is particularly vital for decarbonizing sectors that are challenging to electrify, such as heavy industry, long-haul transportation, aviation, and maritime shipping.

2. Versatility of Hydrogen Production

Hydrogen can be produced from a variety of sources, including renewable electricity, natural gas with carbon capture and storage (CCS), biomass, and nuclear energy. This versatility allows hydrogen to be applied across a wide range of industries and applications.

3. Growing Market and Demand

The market for hydrogen is expanding rapidly, driven by its essential role in achieving net-zero targets and bolstered by supportive policies and investments. As production costs decrease and more sectors adopt hydrogen solutions, demand is expected to surge.

4. Compression: A Critical Enabler

Compression technology is essential in the hydrogen value chain for transportation, storage, and application. It enables hydrogen to be stored and transported efficiently, overcoming its lower energy density compared to fossil fuels.

5. Types of Hydrogen Compressors

The whitepaper discusses various types of hydrogen compressors, including centrifugal, reciprocating, and diaphragm compressors, each tailored for specific applications and requirements.

6. Case Study: Haskel’s H-Drive

Our innovative hydrogen compression solution, the H-Drive, is highlighted for its high efficiency, versatility, reliability, safety, and purity. The H-Drive is suitable for a range of applications, including fueling stations and industrial processes.

The whitepaper features Project HEART, which aims to develop hydrogen infrastructure for aviation, particularly at regional airports. This project showcases the practical application of the H-Drive in advancing hydrogen aviation.

7. Global Strategies and Investments

Different countries and regions are adopting strategies to secure their hydrogen supply chains. Initiatives such as the U.S. Inflation Reduction Act, the UK’s GIGA scheme and GB Energy, and the EU’s Green Deal Industrial Plan are highlighted.

8. Challenges and Opportunities

The whitepaper acknowledges the challenges in scaling up hydrogen, such as reducing costs and the 'chicken-and-egg' dilemma of simultaneous supply and demand growth. It also identifies opportunities for countries to become leaders in the hydrogen economy by leveraging existing strengths and addressing weaknesses.


Our whitepaper emphasizes the importance of strategic investments, robust policy frameworks, and international cooperation to unlock the full potential of hydrogen as a clean and sustainable energy source. Compression technology, as highlighted, plays a pivotal role in this process.

For a deeper dive into these insights, we invite you to read the full whitepaper available here.

To discuss a hydrogen project, get in touch with the Haskel team through our Contact page or by email at [email protected]

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