Haskel High Pressure Technology
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Hydrogen Refuelling Systems: Finding the Right-Fit Station Based on Application

Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles (FCEVs) are gaining momentum globally, and those that are working to put in place the refuelling infrastructure are the agents of change in the fight against climate change. But what’s the right system for your hydrogen mobility application? There are more options available than some investors realize and many factors impact refuelling performance.

Consumers value fuelling speed, and hydrogen refuelling can take mere minutes, fitting their gasoline fuelling habits and offering a more familiar alternative to EVs. Governmental and commercial customers and system specifiers, however, have a longer list of considerations:

  • Maximum charge/known range
  • Importance of fill speed in their organization/process
  • User training vs. ‘fool proof’ use
  • Scheduled or ad hoc usage
  • Payment system vs. user login
  • Captive or public fleet

To help these customers hit the right balance of wants and needs and budget, Haskel has introduced a range of fuelling systems. Which is right for you?

Customers often start by asking for SAE J2601, with the capacity to serve two or more vehicles back-to-back. Clarifications may then discover that the customer is operating a pilot project that is only serving limited vehicles, often as part of a captive fleet.

Pilot projects generally start with limited budgets and operators don’t always understand the cost implication of the additional cooling requirements associated with the various protocols, which may not be necessary. Very few customers want to overspend to serve a four- vehicle pilot fleet. The Haskel Nano or Nano Pro, the newest in our line of refuelling stations, are designed to be cost effective entry points for small fleet operators.

The Nano Pro is a plug-and-play solution for ‘office’ applications serving small FCEV vans and passenger vehicles, while the Nano is geared for industrial applications, making use of existing compressed air supplies and controlled environment, for example, warehouses making the move to FCEV forklifts. 


Nano & Nano Pro

Requests for J2601 can also be driven by certain vehicle manufacturer requirements. Not all OEMs require J2601 and our team is happy to explore with you the standards and specifications needed to support your hydrogen mobility needs.

For those who are already invested in hydrogen mobility or have larger scale requirements, the full Geno refuelling station may be the right choice, servicing the broadest range of vehicles, with best-in-class capacity and fuelling speed.

Haskel hydrogen refuelling technology is also helping other station providers rapidly deploy hydrogen infrastructure. We’ve partnered to provide our H-Drive gas booster in other skidded solutions for consistent performance and easy installation.

It is also important to consider what aftermarket support is available to install, commission and maintain the refuelling systems once up and running. With a global network of service providers, Haskel offers 24/7 local support for the life of the system with a range of service options available to meet project specific needs.

Haskel Hydrogen Systems Group is committed to providing a range of solutions to fit your needs and growth plans, offering a range of modular systems that can scale as projects mature and the market grows. Based on our experience with over 200 components installed in hydrogen systems globally, our team can provide support and guidance throughout the design and development process, offering end to end total life solutions for hydrogen refuelling.

Learn more about the considerations for selecting a refuelling station, download our free guide:


[Download the guide]
